













New River Community College has adopted Virginia Community College System (VCCS) 政策 6.5.1、表达活动政策. This policy and related procedures have been developed to fullfill the requirement of Va. 代码§23.1-401.非正式地称为“言论法”.")

A. 目的

The purpose of this policy is to set out the policy and procedures that will govern all expressive activities on campus.

B. 政策

  1. This policy applies to all buildings, grounds, and other spaces owned or controlled by the college. “表达活动”一词包括:
  • Meetings and other group activities of 学生 and 学生组织;
  • 演讲, 表演, 示威活动, 集会, 守夜, 以及其他学生的活动, 学生组织, 以及由学生组织邀请的校外团体;
  • Distributions of literature, such as leafleting and pamphleting; and
  • 任何其他受美国宪法第一修正案保护的言论.S. 宪法.

This policy does not apply in instances when speakers, performers, groups, etc. are invited by the college or to external groups that arrange to use college space under the college’s polices/procedures for facility usage.

  1. College property is primarily dedicated to academic, student life and administrative functions. 但它也代表了“思想的市场”,,尤其是对学生来说, many areas of campus represent a public forum for speech and other expressive activities. Colleges may 的地方 restrictions on expressive activities occurring indoors, 尤其是对学生和学生组织, 校园的户外区域仍然是自由表达的场所, 包括演讲, 示威活动, 以及文学作品的分布.
  2. 室内或室外, colleges shall not interfere with the rights of individuals and groups to the free expression of their views or impermissibly regulate their speech based on its content or viewpoint. 不过, 学校可以制定合理的时间, 的地方, 以及对表达活动的方式限制. 这些限制必须是内容中立的, narrowly tailored to serve a significant governmental interest, and allow ample alternative channels for communication of the information.
  3. No event or expressive activity shall be permitted to violate or hinder the rights of others within the campus community or substantially disrupt normal college operations.

C. 责任

At 十大网赌软件推荐, the 负责教学和学生服务的副校长 is responsible. 有关政策的查询可与该个人联系.

D. 预留校园设施的程序

  1. 如果学生, 学生组织, 或者大学员工希望保留校园设施, they shall submit their requests to the administrative assistant in the Division of Arts and Sciences. 要求必须在至少48小时前提出.
  2. If individuals or organizations who are not members of the college community (i.e., 不是学生, 学生组织, 或者大学员工)希望保留校园设施, they must be sponsored by a recognized 学生组织 or the college to conduct expressive activities or events on campus. These individuals or organizations should contact the 负责教学和学生服务的副校长 if interested in being sponsored by the college.
  3. The college may assess appropriate fees for equipment and facility use to users who are not members of the campus community. Security fees may be assessed to defray the actual costs of providing security when the size of the audience may pose a risk to safety.
  4. Facilities available for use are available only during normal operating hours or as otherwise agreed in negotiation with appropriate college staff.
  5. 学生, 学生组织, and college employees may request to reserve campus facilities on a first-come, 标间. 这些要求仅可因以下原因而被拒绝:
    1. The requested venue is an indoor facility that the college has designated as not available for expressive activity under section F of this policy;
    2. The requested venue is an indoor facility and the request conflicts with restrictions enacted pursuant to section D(4) of this policy;
    3. 场地已为另一活动预留;
    4. The activity will attract a crowd larger than the venue can safely contain;
    5. The activity will substantially disrupt another event being held at a neighboring venue ;
    6. The activity will substantially disrupt college operations (including classes);
    7. 该活动对公共安全构成了明显而现实的威胁, 根据学院的警察或保安部门;
    8. The activity will occur during college examination periods or when the college is closed; or
    9. 该活动被设计为营利性活动;
    10. 该活动是非法的.
  6. 在活动期间, 学生, 学生组织, or college employee requesting the reservation is responsible for preserving and maintaining the facility it reserved. 如果对这些设施造成任何损害, 个人或组织(及其官员, (如适用)应承担责任.
  7. 在评估保留校园设施的请求时, the college will not consider the content or viewpoint of the expression or the possible reaction to that expression. 学院不会对学生施加限制, 学生组织, or college employees due to the content or viewpoint of their expression or the possible reaction to that expression. In the event that other persons react negatively to a student’s, 学生组织的, 或者是大学员工的表情, college officials (including college police or security) shall take all necessary steps to ensure public safety while allowing the expressive activity to continue.

E. 自发表达活动

  1. 校园户外设施及区域, 学生, 学生组织, and their sponsored guests may freely engage in spontaneous expressive activities as long as they do not
    1. 阻断通往校园建筑的通道;
    2. 妨碍车辆或行人通行;
    3. 严重扰乱先前安排的校园活动,
    4. 严重扰乱大学运作,
    5. constitute unlawful activity; or
    6. 对公共安全造成明显的威胁, 根据学校警察或安全部门的说法.
  2. No indoor areas or facilities are available for spontaneous expressive activity.

F. 不能用于表达活动的区域

The following indoor areas/facilities are not available for expressive activity:

  • 教室(上课时间)
  • 图书馆
  • 行政/商业办公室

G. 横幅和商业材料的分发

  1. Banners used in expressing speech should comply with the provisions of this policy and cannot be used to block, obstruct or otherwise deny access to any pedestrian or to block or obstruct vehicular traffic.
  2. Distribution of commercial advertising or the 的地方ment of commercial material is prohibited in the following areas:
    • Classrooms, computer rooms, laboratories, and other 的地方s where instruction takes 的地方
    • 行政办公室






Dr. 彼得•安德森
(540) 674-3600分机. 4369






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  •  (540) 674-3600
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  •  克里斯蒂安斯堡,弗吉尼亚州24073
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